Brake Service, Repair & Replacement in Calgary, AB

Brake Service at Charlesglen Toyota

One of the most important systems on your vehicle is the brakes, for both performance and safety. When you’re in need of service, maintenance, repair or replacement for any piece of your brake system, whether cylinders, rotors, calipers, fluids or anything else, our team here at Charlesglen Toyota can provide all of the necessary fixes. Brake service is important, and so is recognizing the need for it, so we’ve compiled some helpful tips for you to know when to bring your Toyota, or off-make brand, vehicle in to see our service centre. Ensure your vehicle is running, and braking, as it should on our Calgary roads and come to Charlesglen Toyota for top-of-the-line brake service.

How Does a Car Brake System Work?

We can’t be blamed for taking it for granted, we step on the brake pedal and our vehicle stops. But what exactly causes all of that to happen to bring your Toyota to a complete stop? A vehicle brake system works by having the pedal linked through a power booster, and depending on the vehicle uses an engine vacuum or hydraulic pump to apply force on your master cylinder, which pushes brake fluid through your lines to each wheel, creating pressure onto the rotors and thus the brake pads to stop the wheels. That’s a lot of moving parts, meaning that wear is natural in a system like this, where service, repair and replacement is needed to keep everything working as it should.

When Do Brakes Need Service?

There is no set, foolproof time period for when you should get your brakes serviced. Every driver is different, and every driver drives in different environments, so it could be faster or slower for each, even on the same Toyota model. You could only last 30,000 km, or up to 80,000 km, but here at Charlesglen Toyota we recommend you come in for your scheduled every 8,000 km service interval when it arrives, and we’ll thoroughly inspect your brakes each time. Brakes are a part of your vehicle you don’t want to know need fixing before it’s too late, so act on the safe side and get them checked in our brake shop every 8,000 on your regular maintenance interval.

When does Brake Fluid Need Replacing?

What about brake fluid? Brake fluid is that go-between from your foot pushing down on the pedal to the transferring of that force to the brake components on your wheels for them to stop. Again, its need for changing is dependent on the driver and your driving habits, and while you can go a few years until it needs changing, we recommend that you just give it a quick check during your regular oil changes. At Charlesglen Toyota, we are happy to do that for you, ensuring you’re driving with top quality fluid.

How Do I Know if My Brakes Need Service?

There are a number of tells that your brakes need service, and that’s it’s necessary to bring them in for a check and inspection by our Toyota brake specialists. From rotors to calipers to fluids, everything in your brakes has a lifespan and needs to be checked regularly. Here’s what to look out for:
Side view of man driving a Toyota

You Start Hearing Strange Noises:

When you push on the brake pedal, are you met with squealing or a high-pitched sound? This is an immediate sign that you need to get your brake pads replaced. Even worse, if you hear grinding sounds that could mean your brake pads have worn all the way down, metal on metal and that’s no good for the calipers or rotors.
Woman pressing a button on her Toyota's dashboard

Unusual Response from your Brake Pedal:

Do you push down on your pedal and feel a vibration or a pulse? If so, that’s a sign that your brake pads have worn away. Conversely, if you feel a “soft” response when pressing on the pedal, that could indicate issues with your brake fluid or system as a whole. It’s time to bring it in.
Toyota driving around a bend with a body of water in the background

Pulling in One Direction:

Does your steering pull to either the left or the right when you engage your brakes. This uneven friction could be a sign of problems with your brake parts, or it could be just your tires. Either way, Toyota technicians should take a look.
Diagonal view of a Toyota wheel

Visual Inspection (Brake Pads):

A quick and easy bet is to take a look at your brakes yourself. If you are able to see them through your wheels, they should be more than a quarter-inch thick, any less and it's time to bring your Toyota in.
Front-on view of a Toyota wheel

Visual Inspection (Rotors):

Your brake pads wear down through friction, but the same isn’t supposed to happen to your brake rotors. If you see any sort of big circular grooves in them, you need to get them replaced.

Book Brake Service and Replacement at Charlesglen Toyota

It’s simple to book your brake service or replacement service with us at Charlesglen Toyota, just use our handy online booking form, or give us a call to schedule an appointment. Our brake service cost starts at $99.00 (plus tax), but be sure to be on the look out for any service and brake specials that may help you get a better price! If you’re in Calgary, or near the Calgary area like Airdrie, Olds, Red Deer or beyond, we’re more than happy and equipped to service your vehicle, and always doing so with Toyota genuine parts! No matter if you drive a Camry, RAV4, Tacoma or anything across our Toyota lineup and other brands, brake service is necessary. If you have any questions about your vehicle’s brakes, our auto repair services, or how we can assist you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

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